Embrace the Rhythm.
Cultivate Repose.
Empower Birth.
Welcome to Rhythm & Repose Birth Services!
I am a deeply dedicated Birth Doula and ready to provide comprehensive and compassionate support to all kinds of expectant families. Here at Rhythm & Repose, I bring forth a wide range of skills and expertise to carefully and attentively guide you through the transformative and miraculous journey of childbirth and beyond. As a CD (DONA) certified Birth Doula, professionally training in Spinning Babies and as a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, I am fully equipped and prepared to offer holistic care, nurturing guidance, and unwavering encouragement. It is my unyielding mission to ensure that you and your family feel well-prepared, empowered with the essential knowledge and tools needed to approach your birth and postpartum experiences with confidence, tranquility, and abiding peace.
One of the core principles at Rhythm & Repose is the celebration and affirmation of families of all kinds. Our support knows no bounds; whether you are considering an unmedicated birth, planning for an epidural, preparing for a VBAC, or facing a scheduled cesarean section, I am here to provide non-judgmental, empathetic support in any birthing setting. Be it hospitals, home births, or birth centers, my goal is to meet your unique needs throughout pregnancy, labor, and the delicate postpartum phase.
Currently, I provide my services to families throughout the Seacoast of NH, Southern NH, and North Shore MA. Wherever you are, it is my steadfast commitment to be an unwavering pillar of support for your family as you navigate the profound and miraculous journey of childbirth and beyond. I look forward to the opportunity to walk with you on this incredible journey and provide the steadfast support and guidance you deserve. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or to schedule a meeting. Together, let's embark on this transformative and miraculous experience with confidence, strength, and enduring peace.
Warmest regards, Genna- Rhythm & Repose Birth Services
Why did you decide to become a Birth Doula?
This one has a million and one reasons behind it but first and foremost is because I am passionate about stopping mothers from being taken advantage of, feeling small and pressured into things they know they truly do not want. Birth trauma is real and unfortunately so common and my goal is to not only stop this from happening for every single one of my birthing mommas, but every single mom out there who I can reach, help educate and support in any way. I myself have been bullied by doctors in labor because I just lacked the information at the time and never realized I actually had choices or what those choices actually looked like. With all that being said, from as early as I can remember all I ever wanted in my life was to be a mom. I would save every penny I had in my piggy bank at 3 years old and told my mom I was saving for a real baby hahaha. Fast forward many years I had supported many friends and family members with charting and becoming pregnant to witnessing multiple births and being able to accompany them, get everything they needed, be a shoulder to cry on, a best friend in need, massage therapist, and puke bucket holder you name it. This was all before I even knew what the word Doula was or that a Birth Doula even existed. When I finally did my research and realized my absolute passion was something I could do for a living and help so many more moms my entire life finally seemed to make sense. The rest is history.
My passion in Doula work
My Doula Journey
I started my Doula journey in 2012 and am now a CD (DONA) Certified Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist and professionally trained in Spinning Babies. Getting to know all my families has been such a treasure i will cherish each of them forever. To this day i am still so thunderstruck by each birthing person. your strength and willingness to bend and mold to welcome your children into this world is beyond beautiful.
Future Plans?
I am currently starting the journey into Breast Feeding Education! I have personally breastfed my three little ones (who aren’t so little anymore) for over 18 months each. The journey of breastfeeding isn’t always sunshine and rainbows! Being able to help my clients and their partners through some of the ups and downs, ins and outs of feedings and ways to accomplish a successful breastfeeding journey is on the horizon!
Placenta Encapsulation
Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
The sudden drop in estrogen, progesterone, endorphins, and other hormones during women’s postpartum time, may trigger depression the same way moodiness is triggered by premenstrual changes in these hormones. it may take months for a women’s body to replenish and level out the hormones. By consuming the placenta, the mother reintroduces those important hormones back into her system in the most natural way.
Many women are iron deficient or even anemic after delivery, peaking at one week postpartum. This may lead to
fatigue, irritability, exhaustion, insufficient milk supply, and even postpartum depression. Therefore, increasing iron
levels should decrease fatigue and prevent, minimize, or eliminate postpartum depression. For this reason, many
women are choosing to encapsulate. The placenta is rich in iron, making consumption an excellent resource during
the mother’s postpartum time.
Since the placenta contains high levels of prostaglandin and oxytocin, this stimulates involution of the uterus, or
shrinking or returning to a former size, when consumed. Homebirth midwife Jennifer West states in her book, “The
Natural Healing Power of the Placenta,” that for a client of hers who had consumed her placenta, her uterus was
almost completely involuted five days post birth, which would normally feel that size around two to four weeks
postpartum. She continued to see that trend from clients of hers who consumed their placenta in some form.
The placenta contains inhibitors of urokinase, which can help reduce or stop bleeding. Oxytocin also helps to reduce
blood loss. A mother who is experiencing heavy bleeding immediately after delivery may benefit from consuming a
small chuck of her placenta to control the bleeding. This can be done by quickly breaking off a quarter size piece
from the maternal side, and having the mother place either under her tongue, or place between her cheek and gum
and keep there until the bleeding has subsided. A mother may choose to chew and swallow the piece, however not
all woman can tolerate the idea of it. This option may be done as a precaution, in lieu of uterine contracting drugs, or
in an emergent situation.
The placenta contains high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone inhibit the stimulatory
effects of prolactin on milk production, then oxytocin triggers the milk let-down. There is some evidence that
placenta consumption may increase milk supply, however further research must be done.
Thyroid hormones pass through into the placenta and contribute to the baby’s development. When taken during the
postpartum phase, these hormones may assist with metabolism and energy levels. The increased iron from the
placenta also contributes to the increased energy levels.
Interferons produced by the placenta may offer protection against infections and stimulate the immune system.
Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF) is found in amniotic fluid and the placenta. This may contribute to
enhance the effectiveness of opioids, or modify endogenous opioid activity, reducing delivery-related pain. This
potential benefit could be especially helpful for mothers who have cesarean births, episiotomies, or severe tears.
Get in touch
I would love to talk more about your specific birth or postpartum doula needs! To set up a free phone call or zoom appointment, fill out the form below. Please provide a brief summary of services you are looking for, whether it be doula services or placenta encapsulation and the hospital your services are required in (if applicable). I will get back to you as soon as possible!